Saturday, July 01, 2006


"I am a material girl in this material world......."Listening to this song of MADDONA which was on full blast in my i-pod i was trying to divert my mind from the 2 "sophisticated"ladies fighting in the first class compartment of the early morning Churchgate local.My college being in south bombay & local trains being the life line of AMCHI MUMBAI & many people travelling in them (including me) these heated verbal exchange of frustrated mumbaikars is a normal thingie.
well sometimes these petty conflicts are quite entertaining too,and many times the 45 mins that my train journey takes just flies away listening to these "ENGLISH" arguments by which these ladies try to show their vocab. superiority.
Its been almost a year since i have taken admission in my townie college KISCHINCHAND CHELLARAM in churchgate.and it feels great to be in one of the most coveted places by your own hard earned marks.well here are a plethora of things which me & my many suburbite friends saw in KC,the first thing which you see when you enter the premises is, anaemic girls wearing low waists with bonded hair with only 2-3 books in their hands , struting their stuffs no doubt they look like barbie dolls but looking at them you wonder how many times do they eat in a year?And the garcons dressed in branded casuals showing off their latest gizmos.

and the most common thing heard here is"BRAGS BRAGS & more BRAGS"eg: "u know my hair stylist takes f***ing 800 bucks for just a bloody trim","that foolish peon was shouting at me & that too in hindi"[these stuffs told so loudly as if somebody is interested].the next thing seen is the groupism i.e townies vs suburbites, the easy way to land in a townie crowd is the ICSE tag or the moolah factor & yeah u can form ur own third groupif u r smart ,intelligent n a little diffrent from n my friends landed in this third group n started this new journey of college life its only after being there n doing that ,we realised that the main strategy used by people here is to bluff sky high,eg:buy clothes n accesories from local markets but bluff that u picked it up from diffrent designer boutiqes all over the world,or u are goin to HAYYAT (not mentioning that only for desserts),n all this things done so smartly that u tend to believe them eventhough u have seen that same "cute little bag" carried by that girlie in the next lane flea is then u realise that u are far better in various aspects then them without bothering for the world to know abt it.
and yeah these people r human beings after all,they too get their share of insecurities,those bad hair n pimple days n they fart too if they eat too much.its the same old town culture be one of them or dont bother them its all about the craze of being noticed in ur adoloscence.its all about bling bling.


Anonymous said...

probably letting out ure frustrations..
but thats a fact..
but u got2 find ure own ways..
only thing u can do is ignore coz u know they r foolish!

amritaa-bhui said...

sir/maddam please mention ur name,n thanx for ur important comments