Saturday, September 08, 2007


Its been days since i have put up a new post..........was just experiencing the newness of a new phase in my life.............well the newness of it has withered so now i get back to my first love"Writing"......

Exactly three months ago i took up my "second" preferred career option, LAW to be more precise corporate law of course the first was to do a PhD in genetics.............but that dint particularly work out coz of its(by that i mean the field) lack of development in INDIA................n m not too sure of settling abroad(after being to the US i some how dint like how life functions there) i flowed in the direction of the legal arena ......of course it wasn't an easy decision coz coming from a family of hardcore engineers and i myself being a science student this inclination of mine faced quite a few criticism from very closed ones to distant relatives.................who obviously were bothered about how much would i earn , some even looked down upon me,some also did question my intellectual capacity......................but what the heck as if i care at the end its my life i have to lead it and its better to do something one enjoys doing then something you are forced to do............i mean dude the rest of my life i just cant regret my major career decision...............and after all its not a famous career option that makes you successful its entirely your luck n hard work which does its work......well not blabbering too much now i would just like to express my heartfelt views about some of the i being a would be lawyer its quite expected of me to be well versed about the recent happenings...............not that's its a chore i quite enjoy getting updated about the current news.

At present there is a rising trend of celebrities coming under the legal eye,and not to forget the media which instead of covering other important issues is more concerned about what a certain"sanjay dutt" was wearing or eating after being sentenced to 6 years of rigorous imprisonment,or what was "salman khan's" fathers reaction after he wasn't allowed to meet him when he was held guilty for the 1998 black buck poaching wonder why the legal system of our country is going down the ditches...............i mean allowing a criminal who posses deadly weapons like AK-56 which are weapons of mass destruction out on a temporary bail just doesnt makes sense...........he may be a famous celebrity or may be doing numerous "pooja-paaths" but that doesn't make his crime lesser or doesn't return the many lost lives of the 1993 bomb blast.At the same time i am pretty amused by the sheer irony of our legal system.............when a certain aliastair periera has been sentenced to 3 yrs of imprisionment for just ramming down upon few sleeping Innocent bodies ,by saying this by no way am i empathising with him...........but comparing the severity of his crime with that of sanjay dutt's its quite weired that he will be serving his jail term while the latter is moving Scott free in various celebrity parties with his "manyata" in tow.....(would like to add here that these are my personal views and cant help it if some one's opinion differs from mine ) has always been like this in our system and it will continue to remain must be wondering that if i am cribbing so much why did i even take up this profession but after all there is no harm in just spreading some teeny meeny awareness with a hope that may be just may be it might make some small difference some where.